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Written By Unknown on 29/06/2010 | 4:09:00 pm

Hello !   We   go  immediately  and  see  what  we  have  for  today

Paraguay  X, Under

Spain  X(1) after  the  draw  the  victory   for  the  team  of  Spain 


Good morning friends another good day for us yesterday and we keep on giving you money almost every day!!!!! Many special bets passed as well some of them very easily!!!!

Paraguay - Japan UNDER and then 1X, the game is very difficult and i would bet only on special bets. Normally UNDER is very possible as both teams play defensively and Paraguay is a bit better offensively. Personally i will avoid this game!!!

Special bets: Away Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odd 1,85..............Home team corners Over 5.5 with odd 2,3 is marginal and a bit risky.............

Spain - Portugal OVER 1,5 (odd 1,42) and OVER 2,5 (ODD 2,3), Spain is a bit better but i think both teams can score in this game which can have extra time too!!!!!

Special bets: Home Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with ODD 2,4 the game will be very hard and this odd is great, a red card to be shown is possible too.....................Most Possession % Portugal +7% with odd 1,85 the difference between these 2 teams is not that big so as yesterday maybe this is a present................Away team corners Over 4.5 with odd 2,25

Good luck!!!!!!


Written By Unknown on 28/06/2010 | 6:07:00 pm

While   the  second  half  of  the  match  Hollandvs Slovakia has  just  started  I   believe  two  more  goals 

will  be   scored  here. Other   tips 

Syrrianska  2(X), Over

Over  Brazil 

Derry   to   win 


Καλησπέρα σε όλους!!!Σε αυτήν την ενότητα θα σας εξηγήσουμε τον τρόπο που στοιχηματίζουμε σε betting exchange (ανταλλακτήριο) για να βγάζουμε με πιθανότητες περίπου 95% ένα σίγουρο μεροκάματο αν είμαστε λίγο προσεκτικοί.Το στοίχημα είναι μελέτη,τύχη και έμπνευση,εμείς για να κερδίσουμε μελετάμε και παίζουμε με τις πιθανότητες,αφήνουμε την τύχη στην άκρη.

Οι περισσότερες στοιχηματικές εταιρείες σας προσφέρουν αποδόσεις για να μαντέψετε το τελικό αποτέλεσμα,σκορ κτλ.Η BETFAIR όμως σας προσφέρει αποδόσεις για να κοντράρετε ένα αποτέλεσμα,κι εμείς αυτό κάνουμε,κοντράρουμε πάντα το τελικό σκορ να είναι 0-0,δηλαδή στην ουσία ψάχνουμε αγώνες στους οποίους θα μπεί έστω και ένα γκολ για να πάμε ταμείο.

Σε ένα παιχνίδι που θα διαλέξετε,η betfair σας προσφέρει μια αποδόση για σκορ υπέρ του 0-0(σε μπλε κουτάκι) και μια αποδόση για σκορ κατά(lay) του 0-0(ροζ κουτάκι).Ψάχνουμε πάντα παιχνίδια με απόδοση στο lay 0-0 από 10 εώς 18.Τι σημαίνει τώρα η απόδοση αυτή;Έστω η απόδοση του lay 0-0 στο ματς Καλσρούη-Πάντερμπορν είναι 12,για να κερδίσουμε καθαρά 10 ευρώ από το ματς πατάμε στο ροζ κουτάκι του 0-0 και βάζουμε το ποσό των 10 ευρώ.Λόγω της απόδοσης του lay 0-0 (12) η εταιρεία μας κρατάει 110 ευρώ από τον λογαριασμό μας αφού στοιχηματίσουμε.Αν μπεί έστω και ένα γκολ τότε θα έχουμε στον λογαριασμό μας 120 ευρώ(+10 δηλαδή).Για την ιστορία,το ματς αυτό έληξε 1-2 και το πρώτο γκολ μπήκε στο 7ο λεπτό οπότε κερδίσαμε πολύ γρήγορα 10 ευρώ ΧΩΡΙΣ ΑΓΧΟΣ!!!!!!

Στην ουσία,όπως καταλάβατε είναι σαν να ποντάρουμε σε ένα ματς στο over 0,5 goal με απόδοση περίπου 1,09,μόνο που αυτόν τον στοιχηματισμό δεν τον προσφέρουν οι εταιρείες,γι'αυτό παίζουμε σε ανταλλακτήριο με το lay.

Δηλαδή,όποιος παίζει με σύνεση 2-3 παιχνίδια την ημέρα μπορεί εύκολα να βγάζει 1000 ευρώ τον μήνα με 95% πιθανότητες.Από κάθε παιχνίδι που ποντάρετε και πιστεύετε ότι θα μπεί έστω και ένα γκολ για να πληρωθείτε,μπορείτε να κερδίζετε όσα λεφτά θέλετε,τα 10 ευρώ σε κάθε ματς ηταν ένα παράδειγμα για ένα καλό μηνιάτικο χωρίς πολύ άγχος.




Good morning friends another great day for us with Joker having 3/4 and me 2/2 and i was correct with all my estimations in the game of Argentina 1/OVER/G-G.

Netherlands - Slovakia 1, sorry but i think Slovakia was lucky to play with this Italy and qualify to the next round. It is not a good team but its players are doing their best and this counts in such games. Today i dont think it has any chance to qualify and with risk we could bet with asian handicap one goal for 1. As for under or over i think the game is marginal so 2-3 goals is possible but risky as always!!!

Special bets: Home team corners over 6,5 with odd 2,2 is good but risky in case home team scores early!!!! For me this is a value bet!!!!..................Most Bookings Points Slovakia with odd 1,75 VERY GOOD

Brazil - Chile 1 and OVER, Chile is a good team with fast players but Brazil has good defense and Chile has 3 serious absences today!!! Maybe referee will help Brazil in case of emergency like Argentina yesterday so i cant imagine that Brazil will not qualify!!!

Special bets: Total Bookings Points Under 65.5 points with odd 1,9 ok Chile players are playing hard but 66 points seems too high......................Most Bookings Points Chile with odd 1,55...................Most Possession % Chile +12% with odd 1,75 maybe it is a present cause Chile is not such a bad team that cant keep the ball, if Brazil scores early this bet can easily pass.............Away team corners over 3,5 with odd 1,68 is very possible taking into account that Brazil will probably score first!!!!!

Good luck to all of you!!!!

100€ Bonus


Written By Unknown on 27/06/2010 | 4:35:00 pm

Another  good  day  for  our  blog  and   we  keep  going ....

Today  I''ll  trust 

Sundsvall  to  win  in SO2

Hammarby  Over
to  win  but  with risk big odd

England  Under vs Germany

Argentina I  won't  bet personally (no  comparison with Mexico) but something keeps me  away !


Good morning my friends excellent performance from my friend Joker and me yesterday and we keep on!!!!

Germany - England 1X and then UNDER, the game of course is very difficult but England is known as losers so i will not trust them!!! I will bet few money on Germany to win in EXTRA TIME OR PENALTIES!!!! It has high odd and it worth the risk!
Special bets: Booking Points over 50,5 with odd 1,9 seems very good in a tough game like this............To qualify for next round Germany with odd 1,9 risky of course

Argentina - Mexico 1 and OVER, Argentina has great offensive players but defensively is not good and its players will have problems with the fast Mexicans. So i think that maybe the game will not be so easy and Mexico can score too (just a GOAL for Mexico gives 1,8 which is great).

 Special bets: Most Booking Points Mexico with odd 1,7...................Away team corners Over 3.5 with odd 1,72 is not at all bad................Most Possession % Argentina -4% seems sure but odd is low 1,45


100€ Bonus

joker !

Written By Unknown on 26/06/2010 | 3:50:00 pm

Hello !   Another  good  day  for  our  blog  and  only  Switzerland  could not  win  altough  we  preferred

Under  (basically if  you see) !  Spartacus  managed  to  foresee  the  exact  score  in  the  game of  Spain

as  0-1,1-2 were  his  alternatives !


Uruguay  to  win  first  and  Over  next

USA  vs Ghana X /Under

Colombus  to  win  good luck


Good morning my friends yesterday OUR BLOG HAD A GREAT PERFORMANCE AND HAS GIVEN MUCH MONEY!!!!! Joker was excellent with 4/4 and Spartacus has given you the surprise of Honduras (X2) and the correct score 1-2 in the game of Spain!!!!!!!! Again thank you for all the e-mail of thanks you have sent to us!!!! We keep on trying to get better and better!!!!

Lets see what we have for today:

Uruguay - South Korea 1, ok home team seems to be better of course these games are difficult but i cant imagine that Uruguay will miss this great chance to go further!!!!!

Special bets: Most Possession % Uruguay -1% with odd 1,85 is not at all bad.................Home team corners Over 5.5 with odd 2,2 which is high for these type of bets!!!!!! Home team to win to nil YES with odd 2,8 is VERY HIGH and worth the risk!!!

USA - Ghana UNDER and 1X, this game is very difficult normally it wont have many goals but personally i will not bet on which team to go further to the next round!!!!!

Special bets: Total Bookings Points Over 50.5 points with odd 1,9 risky as it is marginal................Most Possession % USA -4% with odd 2,15

Good luck to all of you!!!!

100€ Bonus


Written By Unknown on 25/06/2010 | 3:44:00 pm

Good morning friends so and so for me yesterday, i was excellent at the games of Paraguay and Cameroon (main proposals and special bets all passed) total failure for me was Italy and my second choice Japan not to lose passed but for sure i didn't expect so many goals in this game!!!!

Lets see today games:

North Korea - Ivory Coast NO BET, personally i am afraid of this game i dont know if the African players have the mood to play today!!! OK OVER seems rational but if i had to play i would prefer some special bets:

Special bets: Away team corners Over 7.5 with odds 2,1 it is quite risky and marginal but odd is good............Away team to win both halves Yes with odd 3.0 just for the odd it worth the risk

Portugal - Brazil 2(x), 2,35 for Brazil is temptation but ok there is friendship between these 2 countries and i cant say no for X. So double chance for big players and G/G as a second choice!!!!

Special bets: Home team to score with odd 1,53 seems a present................Total Bookings Points UNDER 5,5 with odd 1,55.................Most Possession % Portugal +6% with odd 1,85

Chile - Spain 2-3 goals and UNDER, the game is not easy for Spain and for sure i will not bet on its victory. What will happen depends on the other game too. Maybe Spain will win with a score 0-1 or 1-2!!!!

Special bets: Away Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odds 2,4 with risk of course.................Home team corners Over 3.5 with ODD 1,85 SEEMS A PRESENT especially if Spain scores first

Switzerland - Honduras UNDER and X2 with a bit risk, Switzerland knows playing defense only and i am not sure it can do it tonight and for sure i will not bet my money to get to know it today!!!!!! Personally i prefer to bet few money for the surprise!!!!!

Special bets: Away Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odd 1,72.................Home team corners Over 6.5 with odd 2,2

Good luck!!!!!

100€ Bonus


Hello  guys !   I   was  not  satisfied  personally  by  the   results  yesterday  let's  go

guickly  in  our'' menu'' 

Brazil  I  think  X(2) first   the  draw  and  afterwards  the  victory  for  ''selesao''  I  see  the  match

balanced  vs  Portugal

Ivory  Coast  can  easily  beat  N.Korea   provided  that  they  will  play  effectively as we know -another 

tip  I  believe  here  Over (more than 2,5 goals I  have  the  impression will be  scored )

Switzerland  vs Hondura  Under/1

Chile vs Spain  Over good  luck


Written By Unknown on 24/06/2010 | 4:37:00 pm

Hello  !   Another  good  day   for  our  blog  yesterday  and  we  go  straight  to   the  matches

Italy  Under  , 2   I  believe  the  match  to  be  very  tight  so  few  goals is  a  good  solution

Paraguay  Over 

Cameroon vs  Netherlands  be  careful  I  will not  trust  just  simply  the  victory  for  Holland ,  I think

Over  is  better

Denmark vs Japan  X(1)                  good  luck


Good morning due to a problem with my internet connection yesterday i have given only my main proposals. Finally in the game of USA my second choice passed but all my other estimations were correct!!!!!!

Lets see what we have today:

Paraguay - New Zealand UNDER and with risk 2-3 goals, the game is not so easy as it seems and UNDER is very possible. Paraguay is very well organized and mostly will play defensively to ensure one point!!!

Special bets: Total Bookings Points Under 50.5 points with odds 1,65...................

Slovakia - Italy 2 and with risk 2-3 goals and 2/2, there is no team called Slovakia hope Italy will play seriously and it wont have any problem to win this game!!!!!

Special bets: Away team corners Over 7.5 with odds 2,15 it is a bit risky in case Italy scores quickly but odd is high......................Away team to win both halves with ODDS 4,35 it is a great temptation and it worth the risk

Cameroon - Netherlands OVER, no interest in this game and i hope we will have many goals

Special bets: Home team to score with odds 1,5 is not at all bad.................Most Possession % Cameroon +8% with odds 1,85

Denmark - Japan UNDER AND x2, Japan will play massive defense as it needs only one point.

Special bets: Half time X with odds 1,95 is a value bet for sure..............Away Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odds 2,2 .................Will a red card be shown in regular time? YES with odds 3,5 risky of course

Good luck to all of you!!!!!!!

100€ Bonus


Written By Unknown on 23/06/2010 | 2:18:00 pm

Good  afternoon  my  friends !  The  only  tip  we  missed  yesterday  was  for  Greece  not  to  lose 

but  the  most  talented  team  achieved  the  victory !  On  the  other  hand   we  both  me  and  joker

had  advised you  not  to  risk  on  France  as  this  team  this  period  of  time  seems  entirely 

indifferent  or  without  potential  to  play   somehow  well !  Furthermore  when  everybody was sure

for  the  draw  of  Mexico  I  insisted  on   my  opinion  and  the  result  0-1 justified  my  words !!


England    to  win

2-3  goals  for  USA  and  secondly  to win

Germany   better  team  normally  will beat  Ghana

Over  Serbia 

good  luck


Hello  guys !  Yesterday  everything  good  except  Over  Argentina  !

Today  I  believe  

U.S.A  to  win

England  I  regard  more  possible goal-goal 

Helsinki  to  win  in  Finland

Germany  2, Over

Serbia 2-3 goals  firstly  and  afterwards  victory  for  Serbia


Written By Unknown on 22/06/2010 | 3:54:00 pm

Good  afternoon  guys !   Together  again, I  was absent yesterday  because of a personal reason  and  we 

go  immediately  as  one  more  match  is  added  from  today  to  the  programme  of  Mundial. Then ,

Nigeria-S. Korea   goal-goal  for  me  is a good  choice and X2 secondly

Greece-Argentina  Over  can  appear  today  as  I  see  many  changes   especially  from Maradona

so  what  the  reason  to  search  for  the  winner , we  expect  instead  many  goals  and  a  good  match(although  Argentina  is  the gifted  team with the ''name'')

Mexico  I  believe  to  maintain  the  low  score  so  under will  be  my choice  whereas  X as a draw

is  told  to  be  the  golden solution for  both of  them

Finally,  France  has  made  a negative  impression  to  most  fans of  Football  so  I  will refrain from  that

and  will  not  surprise me  a  positive  result  for  South Africa !


Good morning friends, as i told you yesterday OVER of Portugal was a value bet (odds around 2,30) and it passed easily, Chile was better and it won (odds around 2,55) but the easy OVER of Spain didn't pass although Spain missed a penalty and had many chances to score many goals. Thankfully my special bet Spain to win both halves (odds 1,85) passed easily.

Today games are strange and it is better to bet during the games instead of betting before them as i dont know how teams will behave. Lets see what we have: (my estimations for the Mundial here you see for the first Group i am almost correct .......Mexico to qualify and France not........for the second Group Argentina and with risk Greece lets see)

France - South Africa OVER 1,5 (odds 1,4) and OVER 2,5 with risk, personally i wont bet anything on this game. France is total chaos this time and maybe they cant beat Africa as well (double chance X2 with odds 1,6 is not bad). If i had to bet i would risk few money on 2 (odds 3,3).

Special bets: Total Bookings Points Under 60.5 points with odds 1,55..................Most Possession % South Africa +7% with odds 1,85

Mexico - Uruguay 12 and with risk 1, ok odd for under is too low (X in the half time low as well) and all say about X. I am risking and i believe that Mexico will win as it doesn't want to play against Argentina in the next round!!!!!

Special bets: Mexico to score with odds 1,65 is a temptation quite risky of course!!!...........Home team corners Over 5.5  with odds 2,35 seems great ...............

Greece - Argentina   1X with too risk and 2-3 goals, of course Argentina is better but i hope that they wont strive for the victory today and maybe Greece can "steal" a point which could be valuable for it!!!!!

Special bets: Home Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odds 2,05 seems great as greek players will fight today and maybe they will play hard.....................Greece to score is risky but odds are good 1,62

Nigeria - South Korea 1X, Korea needs a point as probably Greece will not beat Argentina but usually teams which play for the draw finally lose.

Special bets: Home Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odds 1,95 is good...................Away team corners Over 4.5 with odds 1,85

Good luck to all of you!!!!


Written By Unknown on 21/06/2010 | 12:53:00 pm

Good morning my friends very good day for me yesterday and i lost only 2-3 goals of Brazil in the end of the game but my special bet a red card to be shown with ODDS 3,6 passed!!!!! Special bets passed in the other two games as well!!!!!!

Lets see what we have for today:

Portugal - North Korea 2-3 goals, maybe OVER is value bet in this game but it is quite risky so i choose 2-3 goals first!!!! Portugal must win this game but i am not sure if they will succeed. I think in this game it is better to check some special bets!!!!

Special bets: Home team corners Over 6.5 with ODDS 1,9 is A VALUE BET (EXPEKT) as Portugal has to play offensively. Hope it wont score too early!!!!................Away Team Booking Points Over 30.5 with ODDS 2,7!!!!!! the referee is from South America and usually most of them show cards easily, so this bet worth the risk!

Chile - Switzerland 1X and UNDER, personally i will risk on 1 too as Chile is much better from Switzerland which again will play defense defense and again defense just to get one point!!!! My opinion is that this time it wont succeed but ok double chance has good odds too!!!!!

Special bets: Total Fouls Committed  Over 35.5 with odds 2,03 is risky but possible as the game will be very hard.................Home team corners Over 5.5 with odds 1,8 is not bad at all!!!!!!

Spain - Honduras OVER and with risk over 3,5 Spain must win today with many goals in case at the end holds the same rank as Swiss or Chile!!!!

Special bets: Home team corners Over 8.5 with odds 1,85 is risky but possible..............1st half corners Over 5.5 with odds 2,15 is more possible as Spain will try to score early in this game!!!!...............Home team to win both halves Yes with odds 1,85 possible too as Spain will try to score as many goals as it can!!!!

Good luck to all of you!!!!!

100€ Bonus


Written By Unknown on 20/06/2010 | 3:00:00 pm

Hi !  3/5  for  me  yesterday  and  the  bad results  came  from  the  World  Cup  where  we had not 

foreseen  the  victory  for  Denmark and  the  draw  for Ghana. 

Today  I  will  trust

Brazil  1 and  Over

Italy  to  win  and  score  from  the 1st half

Honka  Over

Helsinki 2X   good  luck


Good morning bad day for us yesterday and only special bets with high odds saved us!!!!! Lets see what we have today:

Slovakia - Paraguay 2X, Paraguay is more experienced and a better team but i am afraid that maybe they are satisfied with X as well as they have to play with New Zealand which will probably win!!!!! So 2 has many possibilities but double chance is sure!!!!

Special bets: Home Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odds 1,95 seems very good...............Total Offsides Over 5.5 with odds 1,85 marginal

Italy - New Zealand ok odds are too low for the victory so 2-3 goals which is possible.

Special bets: Home team corners Over 7.5 with odds 1,8 is good..............Away Team Booking Points Over 30.5 with odds 2,3 marginal but WITH HIGH ODDS

Brazil - Ivory Coast 2-3 GOALS and then X2 with risk, Ivory Coast has great players but seems not being a team yet!!!! For sure it can be compatible but only with risk X2.

Special bets: Away Team Booking Points Over 30.5 WITH odds 2,6 is GREAT.............Will a red card be shown in regular time? Yes with odds 3,6 the game will be hard and this is possible!!!!!

Good luck to all of you!!!!


Written By Unknown on 19/06/2010 | 4:28:00 pm

Hi !    Netherlands  are probably  in the  next  round   of  the World Cup  as  they  won  by  one goal !

Today  I  believe 

Cameroon  not  to  lose 1X from Denmark

Ghana 1 and  Over

Vallecano  to win in SP2

Salamanca to  win

Lungskile to  win  in Sweden


Good morning friends, England proved one more time that they are losers and now it must win Slovenia in its last game to qualify to the next round!!!! Podolski didn't score the penalty against Serbia so we lost G/G but we succeeded in one special bet in every game with good odds!!!!

For today:

Netherlands - Japan 2-3 goals, the game is difficult because Japan will play defensively. Of course if Netherlands scores quickly maybe the game will be an easy OVER. So with risk 1 but first choice 2-3 goals!!!!

Special bets:  Home team corners Over 6.5 with odds 1,65...................Away Team Booking Points Over 30.5 with odds 2,4 risky but with high odds

Ghana - Australia 1 and with risk 1/1, as i have seen from the first games Ghana will probably win as Australia is very weak defensively!!!!

Special bets: Away Team Booking Points Over 30.5 with odds 2,55 Australia usually plays hard and with such odds IT IS A TEMPTATION!!!!

Cameroon - Denmark 1X, with risk 1 too, Denmark i have seen in the first game was awful and i think today Cameroon must win, odds are great (around 2,85).

Special bets: Most Possession % Cameroon -5% with odds 2,1 risky of course

Good luck!!!!!


Written By Unknown on 18/06/2010 | 3:43:00 pm

While  a  big  surprise  is  going  to  happen with  Serbia  to  make  a goal  vs Germany  in H/T , we  go

on   and   propose  for  today (yesterday  we  did well if only  it  was draw  the  last match with Mexico it

would  be excellent  although under  we had it was sure...)


U.S.A.  I  propose  2-3 goals to be scored and  after the  victory for Un.States

Over  England 

and  for  those  who  take  risks  score 3-1 good luck


Good morning my friends, great job from the blog yesterday as Joker proposed 1X of Greece and i proposed X2 of Mexico which for sure was much better from France. So as i have told you before Mundial for A GROUP Mexico will probably go further to the next round and France will not qualify!!!!!

Lets see my proposals for today:

Germany - Serbia G/G and OVER, the game will not be so easy for Germany, Serbia is able to lose from anyone but also to win anyone!!! As i have told they are a bit losers and finally they may lose today but odds are low and i wont risk it!!! Be careful Serbia can win until 30 min 2-0 and finally lose!!!! But i think today Serbia will score at least one goal. (Serbia to score with odds 1,65 is very good especially for big players)

Special bets:  Home Team Booking Points Over 20.5 with odds 2,4 is risky but VERY GOOD!!!!!.........Away team corners  Over 4.5 with odds 2,35 SEEMS A PRESENT as Serbia is the team which must be the ruler of the game at least in the beginning!!!!

Slovenia - USA X2, for the risky ones 2 as well, i think USA can at least not lose and maybe they are satisfied with one point as they know that in their final game they can beat Algeria and if Slovenia lose from England (sth normal) they will qualify to the next round!!!!!

Special bets:  Total Bookings Points Under 55.5 points 1.60 it is marginal but possible!!!!............................Home team corners Over 4.5 with odds 1,95 seems good

England - Algeria ok 1 seems sure so 1/1 and then OVER with odds 1,95 is very good.

Special bets: Home team corners Over 7.5 with odds 2,2 is very very good ALMOST PRESENT!!!!!............Away Team Booking Points Over 35.5 WITH ODDS 2,05 (EXPEKT) is also very good!!!!!!

Good luck to all!!!!! Don't forget to DONATE any amount you want as you see we keep on doing great job!!!!!!!

100€ Bonus


Written By Unknown on 17/06/2010 | 3:42:00 pm

Good  afternoon !   Sorry  for  my  absence  yesterday  , we  are  together  again  while  Argentina

2-1  just  started  the  second  half !  I  have  the  impression  in  this  second  half  2 more goals will

be  achieved  .

Furthermore,  for  me 

Greece  can  play  adequately   today  so  1X  will  be  my  choice !

France  vs  Mexico  will  probably  be  a  match  with  few  goals (under) and  Draw X secondly

Landskrona  Over


Good morning the first bad day for our blog in this Mundial yesterday as only Chile won (the special bet also passed), Spain didn't score and 2-3 goals failed and Uruguay won easily!!!!

Lets see the games for today:

Argentina - South Korea 1 and for risky ones 1/1. From what i have seen in the first games Korea is very weak defensively!!! The bad thing is that it needs just a point from this game so its strategy will be defense defense and only defense!!!! But finally i think Argentina will win and 2-3 goals is also possible!!!!

Special bets: Home team to win to nil with odds 1,9 is risky of course but with good odds!!!!.............Which team will take the most corners? Argentina (-3) with odds 1,85.....................Most Bookings Points  South Korea with odds 1,85 SEEMS A PRESENT!!!!!!!!....................Total Bookings Points Over 45.5 points with odds 1,95 marginal but worth the risk!!!!!

Greece - Nigeria 2(X), with this Greece i have seen against Korea 2 in odds 1,95 (EXPEKT) is a value bet. Hope my country will play better today but it is very difficult!!!!!!

Special bets: Away team to win to nil with odds 2.65  is quite risky but odds ARE HIGH!!!! .................Will K Katsouranis receive a card in regular time? with odds 3,2 risky but possible ...................Total Offsides  Over 5.5 with odds 2,3 SEEMS PRESENT TOO ALTHOUGH A BIT RISKY!!!!!

France - Mexico 2-3 GOALS first and then X2, from the first games i can say that France is tired and Mexico is offensively very good but quite bad defensively!!!! Mexico is a bit bit better from France and i will risk to bet for the outsider!!!!

Special bets: Away Team Booking Points Over 25.5 with odds 1.85 SEEMS A PRESENT as Mexico usually plays hard........................


100€ Bonus

Written By Unknown on 16/06/2010 | 12:02:00 am

Good morning today i was glad to have seen many e-mail of thanks to my inbox from our friends. Maybe we were the only ones who suggested 1X for New Zealand and 2-3 goals which of course was easier. Ivory Coast 1X and Brasil OVER passed as well so i am proud to say that we did a great job. Unfortunately special bets are more difficult. Lets see now what we have for today:

Honduras - Chile 2, ok we must be a bit cautious but i don't think Chile will lose points in this game!!!

Special bets: Total Bookings Points UNDER 60,5 with 1,68 odds seems good

Spain - Switzerland 1 and 2-3 goals with a bit risk, Switzerland will play defensively for sure and that is why i believe that 2-3 goals is possible. Hope Spain will not score early!!!!

Special bets: Home team to win to nil with odds 1,68..............Home Team Booking Points over 15,5 with odds 1,9 it is a quite risky choice but if Spain scores first then 2 yellow cards for Spanish players is possible

South Africa - Uruguay 1X, the game is very difficult but home team can at least not lose. Also i think that both teams can score but G/G is a risky choice. Nevertheless i believe that in second games we will see more goals from the first ones!!!!

Special bets: G/G with 1,95..................Most Possession %  South Africa +2% with odds 1,85 with risk of course

Good luck my friends!!!!!!!!!

100€ Bonus


Written By Unknown on 15/06/2010 | 3:31:00 pm

Hi !   While  the first match  H/T  0-0  ,  we  go  on  and   prefer  for  this  day

Portugal 2(X) first  to  win  and  after  the  draw but  I  see the  match  to  be difficult  with  few


Brazil  vs  N.Korea  must  make  a  good  start  to  gain  the  respect  as  a  team  in  this  Mundial,

so  I  believe  many  goals  is  the  most  probable  result  here.

Another  more  risky   choice  is  3-0,4-0 score  for  higher  odds !


Good morning my friends so and so for yesterday as we lost our special bets and X2 of Cameroon which for sure deserved one point. My proposals for today are the following:

New Zealand - Slovakia 2-3 goals seems a good choice and with risk 1X.

Special bets: Total Offsides over 5,5 with odds 1,75 risky but always possible

Ivory Coast - Portugal G/G and 1X, nobody wants to lose this game and i think both teams can score

Special bets: Total Offsides over 5,5 with odds 1,65 and a red card shown with odds 3,6

Brazil - North Korea OVER and with risk over 3,5..........everyone expect many goals in this game and i hope Brazil will not disappoint us!!!

Special bets: 1st half goals over 1,5 with odds 2,1..........Total corners over 10,5 with odds 1,9 with risk

Good luck to all of you!!!!


Written By Unknown on 14/06/2010 | 4:08:00 pm

Hi !  Bad  day  for  me  yesterday  but  Spartacus  took the  leadership   and   I  hope  you 

followed  !

Today  and  while  Netherlands  can  beat  Denmark  15 min left   I  think

Cameroon  X(2)  first  not  to  lose  and  then  can  take  the  match  vs Japan for me

Italy X(2)  I  agree  with  Spartacus 

Tampere Un  to  win  with  risk !!
Good morning my friends we did a great job yesterday as all my basic bets passed and some special ones too. And as i have told you Serbia proved that they can't do sth good although they have a good team with great players. Also OVER for Germany with 2,1 was a value bet and passed easily!!!!!

Lets see for today what we have:

Netherlands - Denmark 1, Dutch can win today and for me they are an outsider that can go at least to the 8 best teams.

Special bets: OVER 2,5 with odds 2,05 (in EXPEKT) is a value bet although a bit risky. OVER 1,5 with 1,33 for "big" players.

W Sneijder: Will he score and his team win in regular time? YES with odds 4,05 risky choice of course but it is a TEMPTATION!!!!

Total Offsides OVER 6,5 with odds 2,05 with risk

Japan - Cameroon 2X, for the risky ones 2 is good but ok it is the first game and we shall be a bit cautious.

Special bets: Over 1.5 goals with odds 1,44 is very good for "big" players
S Eto'o to score with odds (in EXPEKT) 2,65 !!!!!!! IT IS A TEMPTATION and for sure i will risk it!!!!

Italy - Paraguay X2, Paraguay is my favorite team in this Mundial and today can at least not lose from Italy.

Special bets:  Total Bookings Points OVER 50,5 with odds 2,2 is VERY VERY POSSIBLE as both teams play hard and the referee is Mexican who usually gives many cards.

Will D De Rossi receive a card in regular time? YES with odds 2,95 risky but possible

Good luck to all of you and DONATE any amount you want when you win DON'T FORGET US!!!!


Written By Unknown on 13/06/2010 | 3:19:00 pm

Hi !  While  the first  match  is  H/T   0-0   , we   propose  some  tips  for  the  following

Serbia  for  me  can  take  the  game  vs Ghana

Over  Helsinki

Betis  to  win

Honka  2(X)

Germany  to  win  with 

For  those  who  take  a bit  more  risk  try  the  following  scores  2-0, 2-1 for  Germany !!


Good morning my friends Greece was very bad yesterday and from what we have seen Argentina and Nigeria seem to be sure to go further to the next round. England just confirmed its name of "LOSERS" and what i told you unfortunately came true. Joker was very good with 2/3 and a bit unlucky as OVER in the game of England was too close.

Lets see what we can do today:

Algeria - Slovenia  X2 and OVER 1,5 (odds around 1,5) and with risk OVER 2,5, Slovenia is for sure better than Algeria but always first games are difficult and with few goals. Personally i expect a good game with many chances and over 2,5 with odds 2,55 is a temptation!!

Special bets: Total Offsides over 5,5 with odds 1,75 is not bad    AND    Total Bookings Points  UNDER 61 with odds 1,65 this bet seems very good and i hope there will be no red card.

Serbia - Ghana with risk X2 and 2-3 goals, ok Serbia this period of time seems to be better than Ghana but i can't trust them, Serbia is something like England........LOSERS when they have the ability to go further simply it can't succeed. So i am waiting to see their first match but for today with risk X2.

Special bets:  Ghana to score with odds (in EXPEKT) 1,53  Over 1.5 goals with odds 1,5.................Number of substitutes used in regular time  UNDER 5,5  with odds 2,95!!!!! (in EXPEKT) the choice of course is risky but the odds are a TEMPTATION!!!!

Germany - Australia 1, this seems sure and i dont think Germany will suicide

Special bets:  Klose to score with 2,25 and OVER 2,5 with odds 2,1

From the rest games i choose the following:

Córdoba - Real Unión  1X, for risky ones 1 too

 Murcia - Las Palmas 1

Hercules - Rayo Vallecano   1

HJK - MyPa  1

Good luck to all of you!!!


Written By Unknown on 12/06/2010 | 11:31:00 am

Hi !   From  today  and till  the  final  3  matches  are  on   display   every  day

Argentina   to  win

OVER England and X2 with risk as USA is a tough team

2-3 goals  Greece  with  risk !

A   special  bet   Messi  or  Tevez  to  score  at  anytime  !!


Good morning my friends 2/2 for Joker and me yesterday and also our main special bet passed easily with over 5,5 offside in the game of Mexico. As i have seen referees dont show very easily yellow cards so in some games under 51 booking points maybe a good choice!!!

Argentina - Nigeria 1, the game wont be easy for Argentina and i am really curious to see how Argentina will play. Of course in the end 1 seems sure!

Special bet: Total Offsides Over 5.5 1.85, hope Argentina will not score quickly and this bet is very good!

England - USA 1, this England must win easily USA but i am a bit afraid of them as usually they are losers. Hope they will not disappoint me.

Special bet: Most Possession % England -9% 2.10, i bet on the fact that USA will probably play defensively. Odd is excellent but there is risk in this choice!

South Korea - Greece X2, difficult game but i hope that my country will not at least lose!!!!

Special bet: Total Offsides Over 5.5 1.65, this bet has many possibilities to come true! (you can find it in EXPEKT)!!!


Written By Unknown on 11/06/2010 | 4:42:00 pm

Good  afternoon to all of you   and  good morning Mundial !!!!

In  less  than  20  minutes  the  first  match  is going  to  start  and  I  don't  personally  like  to

bet  on  this game,  although  X /half time may  be  a  good  tip  as  the  match  will  not    open

I  have  the  impression (Under therefore).

Late  at  night   Uruguay  vs France  and  I  propose  1X   only  by  instict  !

Be   patient  the  first  day  isn't  always  the  best  for  gamblers!!!
Good morning my friends lets see my proposals for Mundial games:

South Africa - Mexico X2, personally i will risk few money on 2 as well as Mexico is a much better and experienced team from the home team which will be anxious too and will have as main target not to lose in its first game!

Special bets:

South Africa - Mexico
Total Offsides               OVER 5,5 with odds 1,95 (you can find it in EXPEKT)

I think it is a very good special bet with great odds of course!

Total Bookings Points 51 points and more with odds 2,2. It is a risky choice as we dont know how referees will behave in this Mundial. But Mexico usually plays hard.

Uruguay - France 1X, i expect a tough game and Uruguay can at least not lose today from this France which as i have said maybe it wont go further to the next round!

Special bets: Will D Forlan receive a card in regular time? YES with odds 5,0 quite risky choice but i will bet on it



Written By Unknown on 10/06/2010 | 7:36:00 pm

Mundial starts tomorrow and today i will give some estimations for each group.

 Group A: FRANCE, MEXICO, Uruguay, South Africa

I think this is the most difficult Group cause i dont know if home team will get any help. For me Mexico will go to the next round and the second team is very difficult to predict. Normally home team has no hope but i risk and say that France wont go further.

Group B: Argentina, Nigeria, Greece, South Korea

Ok Argentina is sure and can score many goals in this group and Nigeria seems closer for the second place. But i prefer to risk choosing Greece.

Group C: England, USA, Slovenia, Algeria

Here seems simple England and USA can go further although Slovenia is a good team but inexperienced and this counts in such games.

Group D: Germany, Serbia, Ghana, Australia

Difficult Group and with risk i will choose Germany and Ghana. Serbia has a good team but nobody can trust this team which seems not to be able to do sth good every time it participates in a Mundial.

Group E: Netherlands, Cameroon, Denmark, Japan

For me Netherlands seems sure (they can score many goals too) and for the second position Cameroon is very possible

Group F: Italy, Paraguay, Slovakia, New Zealand

Ok here seems simple too Italy and Paraguay but i would risk to choose Paraguay for the first position. It is a very well organized team and it is very difficult to win it.

Group G: Brazil, Portugal, Ivory Coast, North Korea

Brazil seems sure and then Ivory Coast although Portugal plays good but i dont think they can beat Ivory Coast which is a more powerful team.

Group H: Spain, Chile, Switzerland, Honduras

And here Spain and Chile seems sure for the 2 positions as the other teams are weaker.

So keep on viewing our blog all this period and we will do our best as always with many special bet proposals. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US!!!!


Hi !  1 and today  Mundial  is  near !!  2/4 for one more day  and  we  have  for  Thursday

Hammarby 2(X)

Over  Kansas

Over   Seattle  4fun only !!!!


Written By Unknown on 09/06/2010 | 5:01:00 pm

Hi  !!   2/4  yesterday  we  go  straight  to  the  matches

Aalesund   to  win

Fredrikstad to  win

Lillestrom  to win

Over   Chicago


Written By Unknown on 08/06/2010 | 7:23:00 pm

Hi !   In  medium  level  4/7  on  Sunday  , anyway  we  are   crazy  for World Cup ...!

Today  just  for  fun 

Bohemians to  win

Samrock Over

Spain    Over

S.Patricks   Over


Written By Unknown on 06/06/2010 | 3:42:00 pm

Good  afternoon !   2/5  yesterday  and  we  go  guickly  to   the  matches  today

Stabaek  to  win

Over  Rozenborg

Rayo  Vallecano  to  win

Levante 2(X)

Brann  1(X) and Over

Sao  Paolo 

Cruzeiro  2(X)  not  to  lose


Good morning my friends many games today and lets warm up few days before the World Cup starts! My proposals for today are the following:

OFI Crete - Pierikos 1 seems sure 1/1 with a bit risk

Doxa Dramas - Rhodos  X2, it will be difficult for Rhodos to win but Doxa has no interest for the game

Rayo Vallecano - Córdoba  1

Real Unión - Levante  X2, both teams want the victory so it wont be that easy for Levante who has a better team of course

Bryne - Nybergsund  1

Tromsdalen - Mjøndalen  OVER

Follo - Moss  OVER

Vålerenga - Haugesund  1 must win game for the home team

Sandefjord - Stabæk  OVER

Rosenborg - Kongsvinger  OVER

Good luck to all of you!


Written By Unknown on 05/06/2010 | 3:48:00 pm

Mundial  is  getting  closer   and   real  fans  of  football  are  expecting  the  moment !  2/4  for me

yesterday  and  we  go   on 

Albacete  to  win

Salamanca  to  win

Italia  not  to  lose  2(X) Friendly match

Honka  to  win

Betis  the  same

Over  Washington   



Written By Unknown on 04/06/2010 | 6:48:00 pm

Hi !  2/4 for me but Spartacus 3/4 yesterday !  We  get  more and  more  closer to  the World Cup!

Tampere 1(X)

Pantova to win

France  the  same

Samrock  Over


Good morning my friends 3/4 for me yesterday and lets see what we have for today:

Padova - Triestina 1X, the game is difficult and double chance is obligatory

Tampere Utd - FC Lahti  1 with a bit risk

Slovenia - New Zealand, it wont be easy for Slovenia as New Zealand plays hard X2 with risk and New Zealand to score

Luxembourg - Faroe Islands  OVER and both teams can score

Good luck my friends!!!!


Written By Unknown on 03/06/2010 | 7:11:00 pm

Hi  !    2/4  yesterday  and   we  go  on  today   where 

Hammarby  with risk 1(X)

Over  Germany

Sparta Sarpsborg 2(X)    

Over  Corinthians
Good morning my friends very good performance from my friend Joker last days. Lets see some proposals:

Mjøndalen - Sarpsborg 08  OVER, good chances for this over with 1,65 not being bad

Spain - South Korea, Korea to score with 1,8 VALUE BET for me

Italy - Mexico, Mexico to score and with risk OVER

Germany - Bosnia Herzegovina  1



Written By Unknown on 02/06/2010 | 7:10:00 pm

Hi  guys !  Friendly  matches  again  whereas  we  had  4/4 yesterday

For  Wednesday  I  bet


Over Atl.Paranaense


Sao  Paolo 2(X)  Good luck !


Written By Unknown on 01/06/2010 | 6:11:00 pm

Hi   !   Very  carefully   today   the  friendly  matches  keep  going 

Landskrona 2(X)

Netherlands  to win

Tampere 2(X)

Bohemians  to win 

Spartacus tips

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