Good morning my friends GREAT DAY for our blog as our new tipster Basketikos was 100% right in his estimations for basketball with odd 10,5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A great start for him and again MUCH MONEY for you!!!
Also i had 5/5 for football and Joker 5/7!!!!!!!! DONATE DONATE!!!!
For today just dont play doesnt worth it for me (estimations for 3 games are Real 1 and OVER, Juventus 2-3 goals and Almeria 1X but it is better to keep away weekend is coming). Have a nice day!!!! SEE how you can easily win at least 1000 euro a month (δείτε πώς μπορείτε να κερδίζετε τουλάχιστον 1000 euro το μήνα στο προηγούμενο link)

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